Gift Ideas For Parents

Give them a thoughtful personalized gift that’s also affordable and memorable.

1. Custom pillow of children

It's the perfect gift for parents who fear their children growing up. Turn their favorite pictures of their children into custom pillows so their babies never have to grow old.

2. Custom pillow of parents

Gift them a custom pillow of their own parents who they don’t get to see much or have already passed. It’s the perfect way to keep family close and commemorate those who have left us.

3. Family portraits

What better way to capture a family portrait than a custom shaped pillow. Its a super personal gift that allows them to show off their favorite family photo in a cool and unique way.

4. Decor

Give their home a vibrant and modern look. You can turn their favorite things into custom pillows and add different shapes, colors and sizes to their home decor.

5. Custom pillow of favorite pet

Turned their furry best friend into a custom shaped pillow. This is the perfect gift for those who love their pets and always want to be with them. Its comfy and easy to take with when traveling and away from home.


Turn their favorite photo of their pet into a huggable pillow


Turn their favorite photo of their pet into a huggable pillow